In 2022 the NESCSO Board developed a focused strategic plan for the organization in an effort to ensure that the organization continually matures and evolves into a meaningful resource for the region. Following their effort our multi-year strategic plan was implemented in 2023 for the  NESCSO team to further develop the organization. Outlined below are the five areas of focus and activities taken to mature the organization

Improve CollaborationOptimize existing collaborative relationships to identify opportunities for new efforts, partners, and stakeholders

We have established enhanced relationships across the private and government sectors as well as other related organizations. Our team worked in partnership with colleagues:

  • Initiated discussions with the National Academy for State Health Policy to collaborate on information sharing related to programs of focus.
  • Partnered with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the MITA Governance Board to facilitate discussions and activities relevant to the Medicaid Enterprise Systems Community.
  • Continued development of the Medicaid Director-Chief Information Officer Affinity Group co-hosted with the National Association of Medicaid Directors.
  • Developing a partnership with the Private Sector Technology Group to explore opportunities for the creation of a central repository of vendor contracts and agreements.
  • Implemented a five-state regional Cost of Dispensing Survey in advance of CMS requiring the report update.
  • Hosted the annual Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference in which we partnered with almost every state and territory in the country to provide a rich and meaningful educational experience.
  • Developing our springtime Northeast Regional Demonstrations (NERDS) meeting in partnership with select staff from the region, CMS and the private sector.

Increase Benefit/Service Offerings – Define and market opportunities available through NESCSO to educate and inform member state staff

  • Significantly increased the resources allocated to member states for FY25.
  • Established relationships across member state staff to provide guidance and assistance in understanding and utilizing their NESCSO benefits. In doing so defined processes are in place and evoling to ensure that all member state requests are identified, addressed and resolved in a timely manner.
  • Embedded an “other ways to be involved” approach to communications with government staff and partners in the private sector in conversations, communications and presentations.

Support Professional Development – Expand and promote staff-focused professional development and networking opportunities for NESCSO staff

  • Our core team is participating in the National Association of Medicaid Directors Fall meeting in an effort to make connections with primarily our New England participants but also with our network of colleagues from across the country.
  • Our entire team of consultants regularly meet to educate and inform each other about the activities underway with their learning communities and collaborative groups. Our desired goal is to foster communication and potential cross-pollination.

Leverage State Buying Power – Establish a solid approach to evaluating new opportunities

  • Through our engagement with seven states (Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Minnesota, Nebraska, Rhode Island and Vermont) we continually explore opportunities to provide additional services related to eligibility processes primarily through our sub-contractor.
  • Developed a formal planning approach for our Northeast Regional Demonstrations (aka “mini-MESC”) in Providence, RI April 7-9, 2025. The event will fulfill the unmet needs of bringing together the private and public sectors for educational activities and networking opportunities.

Develop Organizational Sustainability – Determine sustainability plan to ensure future operations, services and benefits for member states

  • Identify opportunities for providing a high level of value with cost effective solutions.
  • Develop financially sound approaches for contract negotiations
  • Demonstrate our appreciation for the NESCSO partners and team.