National Medicaid Enterprise Systems
In 2025, it is estimated that 80 million people will access enrollment in the Medicaid system. These systems support all aspects of a Medicaid program, including but not limited to eligibility and enrollment processes; provider enrollment; claims adjudication; third party liability; fraud, waste, and abuse; care management; and data analytics. NESCSO invests our resources in this area because we recognize the importance of effective technology to ensuring high-value Medicaid programs.
Annual Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference (MESC)
This annual convening brings together representatives from state, territorial, and federal governments and the private sector. NESCSO considers the MESC a natural extension of the work we do for the S-TAG. The MESC facilitates State and Territorial government employees access to new technologies and solutions, enables networking with their government peers as well as with industry representatives. The MESC is also an opportunity for States and Territories to highlight their innovations with their industry partners.
Over two thousand participants attended the MESC 2024 which was held in Louisville, KY, August 12 to15. The MESC 2025 will be hosted in Milwaukee, WI, August 11 to 14, 2025 and is anticipated to grow in size, scope and value to state agencies throughout the country. For more information, please visit
CMS Systems Technical Advisory Group
Successful technology implementation and operation rests on state and territorial government employees responsible for these systems. The Systems Technical Advisory Group (S-TAG) provides these employees a forum to learn from each other and from their federal partners. S-TAG activities include monthly calls with CMS, as well as seven sub-groups addressing:
- Artificial Intelligence
- Certification
- Eligibility and Enrollment
- Health Information Technology
- Interoperability
- Testing
The S-TAG enables State and Territorial employees to have a collective voice in response to CMS initiatives. The S-TAG also allows CMS to easily communicate with and gather information from States and Territories on their activities.
The S-TAG is governed by an Advisory Council:
- CMS Co-Chair: Ed Dolly
- State Co-Chair: Mason Tanaka, Alabama
- Sandi Oulette, Connecticut
- Mary Arcenas, New Jersey
- Nick Havens, Wisconsin
- Mike Dobson, Texas
- Shelley Dimick, Vermont
- Christine Nolan, Washington
NESCSO provides administrative support to the S-TAG at no cost. We schedule monthly calls, develop agendas for review and approval by the Advisory Council, draft meeting minutes, organize the Workgroups, conduct information-gathering efforts and maintain a regularly updated S-TAG directory.
Participation in the S-TAG is limited to State, Territorial, and Federal employees. If you would like more information, please contact